Friday, July 31, 2009

Beware When Sending Flowers Out of Town..That "Local" Florist You Found Online

In the legitimate floral industry, there is much discussion and frustration about 'order gatherers'. You've seen them...You Google "Florist Detroit" because your great aunt Gertrude is in the hospital there. Up pops a florist. You call them and they say, sure they can deliver today. What you don't know is they are 'order gatherers'. Some have local sounding names...not even 1-800 whatever...
There is one in Houston that is notorious and goes under several aliases. I was aware of them and they called me today to fill an order going to an employee of one of my favorite venues! I thought, oh no you don't. I accepted the order so I could (a) make sure this young lady got the birthday flowers her parents ordered from out of town and (b) have evidence to prove what a scam the order gatherer is. Sure enough, I jumped through hoops, filled the order (and gave quite a bit more value than what was ordered, knowing they skim off the top of the orders) and delivered the arrangement. (The order gatherer took the customer's credit card information and charged them. They turn around and give the florist THEIR (the order gatherer's) credit card number. As suspected, when I entered the credit card information provided by this order gatherer, guess what....declined! Now I have the proof I need to also lodge my complaint with the FTC.

Here's an informative site on these unscrupulous scheisters:
The name of this particular order gatherer even has its own tab on the left of this website...impressive. Unfortunately they go by more aliases even than those even has my last name in it!!!!! Is nothing sacred?? ;)

Please please spread the word. The floral industry is trying to combat these activities. It makes us look bad when customers don't get what they paid for!!!! Sometimes the intended recipient doesn't receive the order at all because the true local florist gets wise and refuses to fill the order, but the customer has already been charged by the scheister.

Check out for listings of local florists. But check them out before you place your order! Do your research!

I'm climbing down off my soapbox now. Good night.

Brenda Abbott Flower Studio

Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Few Flowers Seen at State Convention

As promised, I've included here a few samples of the floral artistry exhibited at Texas State Florists Association Convention held in Dallas last weekend.

Don't you love the lily grass weaving?

Green fuji mums 'skewered' on wire and submerged...Very trendy! And a budget friendly way to go high style!
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Haley's Bouquet

This past Sunday, Haley had her bridal portraits made at The Mansion on Judge's Hill in Austin. Dilemma, her bridal florist (that would be me) was headed to Dallas to State Convention on Friday. Solution: We had Haley's bouquet prepared on Friday and the gracious staff at The Mansion agreed to hold it in their fridge until Haley's arrival on Sunday. Worked like a charm. Haley loved it.

We prepare our brides' bridal portrait bouquets to be as close as possible to the actual ceremony bouquet so photographs are consistent. However, this dry run also serves its purpose to tweak anything the bride wants to change. In this instance, we asked Haley if she loved it, which she enthusiastically says she did, but she discovers that even though she loves and had requested all the bright colors, she also would like to see more white in her bouquet on the big day! Now we know!

Haley's wedding will be at the Hyatt Lost Pines Resort & Spa and we will post some fabulous photographs, as this is sure to be an event to behold. We call her look 'dripping with southern romance'. Custom made candelabras, oodles of crystals and southern charm blooms in vivid colors...oh what fun! We look forward to this one not only because mother and bride have let us design to our heart's content, but they are both lovely ladies and a true pleasure to work with.

Did I mention...? .....I love my job!!
Brenda Abbott Flower Studio
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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

TSFA Convention July 2009

We're back from the Texas State Florists Convention in Dallas! What a group of gifted professionals! It is always enlightening and inspiring to get together in a ballroom filled with such talented artists. We're abuzz with new enthusiasm and fresh ideas for our brides, but then again we're always passionate about weddings, brides and all of life's breathtaking moments! What a job!

We've been so busy since we returned ...but I'll get pictures from Convention posted to share with you. In the meantime, check out the gallery of my floral artwork at


Brenda Abbott Floral Studio
Tel: 806-223-7787
Private Studio Address:
306 Fifth Avenue
Smithville, Texas 78957

For Your Convenience, Our Austin Office:
4408-C Burnet Road
Austin, Texas 78756